mCig is proud to offer only the highest quality consumer products featuring premium cannabidiol (CBD) hemp oil. We’ve devoted considerable resources to CBD research, and our commitment to science is underscored in our exhaustive testing requirements that start with our hemp oil and extend to every single product we bring to market. By providing only the finest and purest quality ingredients, our CBD-infused products stand apart from the competition.
Click here to purchase Chill CBD Oil.

How It’s Made

CBD is extracted and separated from specific varieties of cannabis, often known as hemp. Chemically, CBD is one of 85 chemical substances known as a cannabinoid, which is found in the cannabis plant. CBD is the second most abundant compound in hemp, typically representing up to 40% of its extracts.

What’s All The Buzz About

After THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD is by far the most studied natural cannabinoid. According to many researchers, CBD may be the single most important cannabinoid ever discovered.

Industrial hemp is naturally high in CBD and naturally low in THC, whereas most marijuana is just the opposite (high THC, low CBD). Our industrial hemp is considered Cannabis sativa, although we have developed our own unique cultivars of this particular type of industrial hemp. Through a combination of these unique cultivars, advanced plant genetics, and cutting-edge growing techniques, an exceptionally high percentage of CBD can be produced naturally and consistently from the hemp plant. When natural CBD hemp oil is produced from these hemp cultivars—which can be grown legally in dozens of countries and whose oil can be imported to the USA legally—it’s a safer, more effective alternative to deriving CBD oil from marijuana. We have established a supply chain for domestically produced CBD from industrial hemp to incorporate into our CBD line of products.

Interested in learning more about our CBD products, please contact us.

Visit our online store at chillCBDoil.com.

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