mCig develops software solutions to facilitate both cultivation facilities and dispensary operations. From tracking to inventory control to product planning and analytics through retail web sites and digital transactions, our software is increasingly powering both RMJ and MMJ businesses.

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There’s a big reason behind the focus on data: It can put more cash in your pocket. It’s estimated that retailers could increase their profit margins by more than 60% through the full exploitation of big data analytics, while it’s projected that the healthcare industry could save $300 billion a year, according to a study by the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR).

With U.S. sales of marijuana and marijuana goods/services projected to grow by billions of dollars in the coming years, Cannapreneurs need to consolidate their data and adopt an overall analytics strategy to support the anticipated rapid growth.

Just as you wouldn’t drive without a speedometer or jog without a FitBand, growers, processors, and retailers all need a gauge on their inventory, sales, marketing spend and other key performance indicators. Those companies that effectively leverage their data will be tomorrow’s standouts and mCig’s software division can help.

For more information on our software solutions, please contact us.

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